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One-sided friendship


Hello ! To the world by my word , 

“Not only one-sided love but one-sided friendships also do exists.” — Rupali Negi

So basically one-sided friendship refers to a relationship where one person invests significantly more time, effort, and emotional energy into the friendship than the other person. It can be emotionally draining for the person who feels like they're doing all the work without receiving much in return. If you're in such a situation, it might be worth discussing your feelings with your friend or reevaluating the dynamics of the relation. 

  Friendships are the cornerstone of our social lives, providing us with support and a sense of belonging. However, not all friendships are created equal. Sometimes, we find ourselves in relationships where the effort and investment seem to flow in just one direction - a phenomenon commonly known as a "one-sided friendship." In this blog, we'll explore about one-sided friendships, their impact on our well-being, and how to navigate these challenging situations.

So let's try to understand about One-Sided Friendships, 

   A one-sided friendship occurs when there is an imbalance in effort, time, and emotional investment between two individuals. One person is more committed, attentive, and involved, while the other seems distant, disengaged, or apathetic. This unbalance can lead to feelings of frustration, hurt, and isolation for the more invested party.

But the main question is how to identify a One-Sided Friendship ?

Initiation and Planning: 

 One person consistently takes the initiative to make plans or initiate conversations, while the other rarely contributes.


Responses from the less-invested person are sporadic, short, or lacking in depth, indicating a lack of genuine interest.


The invested friend is always available to help or listen, but the other person seems to only reach out when they need something.


The invested friend shares personal details and concerns, while the other person remains guarded about their own life.

Celebrating Milestones:

 The invested friend celebrates the other person's achievements, but their own accomplishments are met with indifference.

        One-sided friendships plays a major role in our well-being , It can take a toll on our emotional well-being. The invested person may experience feelings of inadequacy, rejection, and loneliness. The constant effort without reciprocation can lead to emotional exhaustion, eroding the trust and connection that supports strong friendships.

Navigating One-Sided Friendships

Open Communication: 

Initiate an honest and non-confrontational conversation with your friend. Share your feelings and observations, giving them a chance to explain their perspective.

Set Boundaries: 

It's important to establish boundaries to protect your emotional well-being. Avoid overextending yourself or sacrificing your needs for the sake of the friendship.

Evaluate the Relationship: 

Reflect on whether the friendship is truly beneficial for you. Consider whether the imbalance is a temporary phase or a consistent pattern.

Expand Your Social Circle: 

Engage in activities that allow you to meet new people and potentially form more balanced friendships.

Practice Self-Care:

 Focus on activities that bring you joy and fulfillment, whether it's pursuing hobbies, spending time with supportive individuals, or practicing mindfulness.

Always remember , any relationship that’s one-sided isn’t one; it’s a one-way street headed in one direction, nowhere.

   One - sided love and one - sided friendships are a complex challenge that many of us may encounter at some point. It's crucial to prioritize your well-being and invest in relationships that are mutually fulfilling. While addressing the issue head-on can lead to resolution, sometimes it might be necessary to move on from friendships that consistently drain your energy without offering anything in return. Remember, a healthy friendship is built on mutual respect, trust, and effort from both sides.

Have a great day



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